Merry Ch
Christmas (Christmas) also known as Jesus Christmas, the Nativity of the Lord, also known as the Catholic Christmas. Translated as "Christ's Mass", it is derived from the Ancient Roman Festival of Saturnalia and has nothing to do with Christianity.After Christianity became popular in the Roman Empire, the church went with the flow and incorporated this folk festival into the Christian system to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
纪念耶稣出生 To commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ
It is said that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and was born of the Virgin Mary.Then Gabriel, an angel of God, told Joseph in a dream not to take Mary away because she was pregnant but to marry her and name the child Jesus. This meant that he should save the people from their SINS.
Christmas culture
The gradual weakening of the religious mystery of Christmas has as much to do with commodity economy as with scientific development.Under the market economy, Christmas can be packaged in a variety of profitable forms. Merchants use all kinds of promotional methods to attract consumers to buy goods. Christmas not only gives people more reasons for holiday consumption, but also adds more topics for holiday gossip -- consumer culture.